The Electronics Engineering Department was established on Aug. 1, 2001 with a two-years preparation. The department owes its origin to the department of Industrial Education electronics engineering program, and is about to offer diversity programs of graduated study leading to the degrees of Master of Engineering, and Master of Science in Aug. 2003. The department is housed in the Li-Shin building with some of the facilities and research laboratories in the nearby Gin-Shih building both are located in the Bao-Shan campus, referred as the second campus. The campus is among the famous Pakuashan hills by the ChangHua city, and that makes it isolated but not remote. In the campus, brook winds its way, plant grows all around, which makes the environment a quiet place to stay for study and for conducting researches.

             The department has 7 faculties and 5 adjunct faculties all with Ph. D. degree specialized in electrical, electronics, communication, or computer science. The department has 11 well-equipped laboratories, which support the student labs. Courses and researches are conducted in the areas of computer engineering, VLSI and CAD, applied electronics, microwave and communication, and integrated circuitry design and CAD. The labs. include electronics & circuits lab., communication lab., electromagnetic microwaves lab., computer interface circuitry lab., integrated circuit design lab., programmable control lab., network lab., applied electronics lab., high-energy electronics lab. The department hold open positions for faculty candidates in those areas in the next few years to further fortify her faculty.




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